Climbing belay course in Warsaw

This Climbing belay course is created for beginners as a first step in mastering rope belay skills. During indoor stage of the course, the instructor will teach you the methods of safe belaying in the climbing gym. You will learn about various belay devices, climbing ropes and harnesses. You will also learn how to use the belay device correctly, how to tie yourself with a rope and you will also get used to falls and become confident in catching flights of partners.

Contact us if you wish to enroll for such course

Climbing belay course in Warsaw

Completing this stage is required for all who wants to have basic crag climbing course.

The training takes place on Murall Annopol climbing gym in Warsaw.
Duration: two lessons, 2hrs each = 4 hours
Usually it splits into two days
Price: PLN 400 per person

We will provide all climbing gear you need to complete this course.

You can find out more about climbing gear for beginners.